We assist organizations who self-insure staff and dependents to manage their healthcare plans and processes. Are you such an organization? Our experts are on hand to enable you derive maximum benefit and turnaround time in managing employee healthcare. Get in Touch Today.

As part of our preventive care policies, we offer our members the opportunity to be screened universally or on a case-finding basis annually. The intention of putting together this screening is for early detection of ailments in our members, thus enabling intervention and management in the hope of abating the pain and suffering that would have been associated with the ailment or in worst cases prevention of death. Our team of medical experts also counsel our members on lifestyle and well-being practices.

We believe in building and maintaining beneficial relationships with our members, you will enjoy absolutely the finest professional approach and prompt responses to your enquiries. We have a 24- hour operational hotline service that operates seven (7) days a week with professional staff that are well equipped to answer all your service concerns and enquiries. In addition, we assign a number of our well experienced staff to be fully dedicated to managing your account with us. You can rely on us for prompt service!